Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The city of Reykjavik..where there is no daylight until 10am during the winter

Hello from Reykjavik, Iceland!

Cool facts about Iceland:
-The sun doesn't come out until shortly after 10AM during January
-Dec 21 is the shortest day - only 4 hours of sunlight, however , in the summer there is 14 hours of daylight.
-Mink Whale Meat isn't my thing to eat, especially finding out that Mink Whales are one of the friendliest whale! ahhhhhh I am so sorry! I didn't mean to eat you!

Friday, January 15, 2010

the inner you

When it's time to sleep, I have this tendency of tossing around, and if I am sleeping over at the boyfriend, I toss even more. Not meaning to wake him up, I try to minimize my moving as little as possible. But he always know, and he would getup and give me a kiss on the forehead and holds my hand and put it on his chest and goes back to sleep. The oddest thing is, when I ask him the next morning, he has no recollection of it. Isn't it werid? So he tells me it's the inner babe in him. :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Greasy onion rings

oh! how I regret eating those onion rings

Anyways! Happy New Year ! 2010 :)


Grad school ( i hope, i pray, please accept me! pretty please)
Exercise ( like that will ever happen- but i'll try)
Save Money ( *********A MUST ******)
Be independent ( maybe i can move out ; if i dont spend all my money on food and junk)
Be thoughtful ( maybe i can achieve this one!)

so what are some of your resolutions?

I have a feeling this is going to be a good year !